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Thread: mill power feed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default mill power feed

    I saw RC's thread about taper turing and noticed he has a saneagle power feed. I see these on ebay at a decent price and wonder if they're worth it? Does any one have one, and have an opinion on them. they are roughly half the price of an Align at Harey's and I need to update the power feed on my mill and think it could be worthwhile.


  2. #2
    Dave J Guest


    Hi Gary,
    I don't own one of those ones, but I don't think you can go wrong at $300 delivered.
    ST-560 Power feed X Made in TAIWAN 750 in-lb for 20mm shaft and 6mm key | eBay
    I was going to show you where I bought my Y and Z ones 4-5 years ago from EZ accessories, but just looked and their prices have jumped from $220 plus $70 for postage to $349 plus $83 for postage, so they are getting greedy.
    Even at their old prices, if I was to buy one today I would buy the one your looking at.

    I have seen that seller around for a long time now and I think they look like a good power feed, and are now cheap as well. His prices have come down a lot as I am sure they used to be up around the $500 mark.

    My Chinese ones have held up fine and are still going strong, so I think a Taiwanese ones would be at the very least as good, if not better.

    I see he has claims for braking in 0.2 of a second which would be good, because if I ran mine is at full speed and wanted to change direction, I would have to wait a few seconds for it to run down before changing direction. Not a hassle if you get used to it, but someone not knowing could do damage.
    I can now see why RC can change direction quickly with his, as with mine it would bugger up the plastic gear changing direction that quickly.

    I would say go for it before they sell out or go up in price, and at least it's in Australian dollars so no paypal fee for currency conversion, like it is with a lot of other sellers.

    That ST 1800 looks a strong unit, and has a huge motor hanging out the back for a power feed. It would make a great knee feed.
    ST-1800 Power Feed Table feeder Made in TAIWAN 850in/lb | eBay

    You could always go for the ST4000 for $700, LOL Would be great for a industrial mill, but an over kill for the home shop mill.
    ST-4000 Power Feed Table feeder Made in TAIWAN 400W 220 | eBay


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    I reckon that's a bargain. I recently got one when I imported my mill direct from China. It cost me $250 + GST and port charges and it's only 450 in-lb in torque which I'm sure will be enough for me but being made in Taiwan would have to mean it's at least as good if not better.

    Also from the link it looks like it has a bevel gear and is vertically mounted off the table, mine has a regular gear and attaches with a bracket horizontally. That means it takes up a lot more room widthwise.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    near Rockhampton


    I am not so sure these ones are Taiwanese made.... The fit and finish is excellent, but peformance is not as good as the Align units... Mine seems to have trouble going into neutral position, you put the lever out of gear and while the motor stops it remains locked in gear... Sometimes it comes out, sometimes not... Maybe it i just the one I have...

    Also on the Align units rapid speed is faster then the top speed of the dial... On the unit I have both speeds are the same...

    Still it is much cheaper then other units and the price uncludes express postage... I purchased it and it arrived in under a week..
    Gold, the colour of choice for the discerning person.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Dave they do appear to be a good buy and they certainly have a creative command of english in their advertisement.

    Richard, did they claim yours as made in Taiwan? Maybe Taiwans labelling law are similar to ours when it comes to claiming Made in Taiwan. Do you think the dis-engaging will improve with use or is something mis-aligned? Have you been able to really load it up, to see how it copes.


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