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Thread: Video Library - how to use it
20th Aug 2013, 10:46 AM #1
Video Library - how to use it
Some of you may have already noticed the video link in the navigation, its now active and waiting to be used: Media - Woodwork Forums
We can link and categorise videos from sites like: YouTube, Dailymotion, MetaCafe, Veoh, Google Video, MySpace, MyVideo, Sevenload, Vidmax and Vimeo
Please only add on topic videos that are suitable for general viewing.
The steps for adding a video are;
1) Click the add-upload link
2) Enter the page url from the video hosting site - youtube, vimeo etc.. Wood Turning - An Earing Holder - YouTube Then click the load button.
add_video 3.png
3) The load function will populate most of the remaining fields, description, keywords, thumbnails etc.. If the author hasn't entered a very good description, you can improve it by simply editing it in the text box. The last thing you need to do is select a suitable category and then click submit once you're happy with the listing.
add_video 4.pngSteve
Woodwork Forums
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13th Aug 2019, 01:02 PM #2
Thanks Steven,
It does make my life just a little bit easier.
Now if I can only just get the new posters not sign up and begin posting pictures in post one.
12th Dec 2020, 09:22 PM #3
Hi Steven,
Just to make sure that I fully understand !
I cannot up load a video without placing it on a publicly accessible web site. In other words I can only place a link on here.Best Regards:
Baron J.
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