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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Harness mounted respirator

    I can't find a Health and Safety section and as this is about my welding I thought I would ask here.

    I had a passive (not positive pressure) respirator, that has now died, which had the actual cartridges on the end of hoses that attached to the half face mask where the cartridges normally go. The cartridges were on a harness that placed them on the back of the user. It was great for welding, because it did not get in the way of the welding helmet and also did not obstruct visibility. It kept the filters out of the worst of the fumes, too.

    However, I have asked several places (3M etc and welding stores) and nobody has seen them.

    So. Does anyone here know about them and where to get them?

    Any help appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    Go to a good sundstrom dealer.

    I have not seen one for a while but the standard sundstrom masks used to be fitted with a number of accessories,
    One of them was a hose kit to remote the filters.

    Its been a whole since I looked but I remember more recently them having a powered kit that fitted to the standard face mask.

    You may have to look for a supplied air system or a fan forced system now.

    Any thing with sharp teeth eats meat.
    Most powertools have sharp teeth.
    People are made of meat.
    Abrasives can be just as dangerous as a blade.....and 10 times more painfull.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Thanks for that. I will try Sundstrom. I really can't justify a forced one at the price they ask


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