View Full Version : Historic movies

9th Jul 2016, 12:08 PM


KBs PensNmore
10th Jul 2016, 01:20 AM
Thanks for these, very entertaining.

11th Jul 2016, 01:27 PM
I like watching these old videos.

I would not like to live in that time too much, but I am amazed at what they achieved compared to today.

11th Jul 2016, 08:41 PM
I was talking to a local the other day, he said his dad was a dozer driver in the army engineers , and he was involved with the building of the airfields up in the islands . The Jap snipers would often target the dozer drivers and a high casualty rate ensued . I know in some places the Japs would crawl in to the engineers camps at night and detonate grenades , blowing themselves up in the process. During the day, the Japs would hide in caves and underground shelters, 44 gallon drums of petrol were poured down the holes and ignited